2016-10-15 - Great Falls Walkabout with Dr Mary

^z 28th February 2023 at 8:35pm

~6.2 miles @ ~22.3 min/mi

"When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose!" Mary and I discuss letting-go — of the past, of judgments, of accomplishments and abilities, of limitations, of goals — and salute Nobel laureate Bob Dylan as we hike the hills of Great Falls National Park.

Crowds near the Visitor Center thin quickly a few hundred yards down the old Carriage Trail. A cellphone tower disguised as an evergreen tree stands bolted to a concrete pad in the woods. A huge English Mastiff tugs on a leash held by a tiny girl. The Potomac splashes and churns over rocks below the Ridge Trail.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-11-10